Sunday 17 May 2015

Into The Woods

May 16, 2015

PCs present:
Osirian Silvertongue

Out of the Sewers

This sessions finds the group hunkered down in the crypt where they first encountered the vampires which they are now using as a refuge from the dragon who is searching for them.  With them are dozens of townsfolk as well as a few soldiers of The Order Of The Thundershields.  The people are scared, hungry and desperate for escape.

The group, using Aelar's rat companion, discovers that Amael, the steel dragon, is now perched atop the walls and towers of the Keep, scanning the city for movement which may be the adventurers it wants to kill.  Debate continues for much of the day as to the best way to evacuate the sewers and escape the city to the forest.  Lacking a clear direction from the group, fights break out among the townsfolk and soldiers, as one of the soldiers has come up with his own plan.  He intends to move through the city and using his boat, escape up the river to leave the city.  People fight, and kill, for the privilege to be on the boat.  A group of 8 soldiers ends up to be the chosen group and they leave.  Aelar follows discretely behind to witness them having to battle off the carrion crawler which the group had encountered days ago.  Aelar assists the four remaining soldiers back to the safety of the crypt.

During this a small girl of about 6 years, approaches Zaya and tells her that the girls parents are dead and that she wishes to stay with Zaya, as she feels Zaya will be able to protect her.  Zaya tries gently to convince her that it's not a good idea. When that fails, she tries scaring the child.  When that fails, she ends up casually tying a rope to the girls wrists and anchors the girl then  fades into the shadows. A narrow escape.

DM Note: All great attempts but tying the girl and ducking into the shadows was awesome.  Action Point rewarded. 

To The Gate and Then To The Forest
1,750 XP

Finally, it is decided that at early dawn, using the shadows as concealment the townsfolk will escape to the northwestern gate while the group, along with the one remaining soldier, who has decided to accompany the group, are going to break for the northern most gate, the gate closest to the forest.

The group of townsfolk and 3 soldiers make for the Northwestern gate, while Aelar's rat watches from the rooftops.  The escapees seem to make it.  The dragon has not moved from it's perch.  Now the adventurers moves stealthily from shadow to shadow down the street.  With several trips and falls along the way they make it to the gate.  All the while Aelar's rat has been trying to keep watch on the dragon.

Now at the gate the group decides to run for the tree line of the forest.  A full mile away the group must test their endurance to make it quickly.  Unfortunately, Osirian's love of the pipe and lack of cardio make him falter to his hands and knees halfway to the trees.  'Boy' then falters beside Osirian, making the excuses that he cannot abandon his mentor.  Fluffy then pauses beside them breathing hard and then  belching a horrible ale burp which had made him falter.  Aelar decides to stop and try to pick Osirian up.  Osirian climbs atop the elf's back but Aelar has underestimated how heavy the halfling is and falls.

Zaya and the soldier watch this monstrosity of athletic prowess from the tree line.  They also witness, Amael, the dragon, take flight....directly for the group.

Fluffy, seeing this, remembers his 'Belt of Endurance' and after yelling a warning to the others, runs at full speed to the trees.

Ultimately, everyone but Aelar is in the trees.  Osirian and 'Boy' are setting up the ritual of 'Wizard's Curtain' in order to conceal the group, but this takes time. Meanwhile, Amael, is swooping down on Aelar and is readying a fire breath to burn the offending elf.  At the last moment Aelar casts 'Uncertain Loyalties' and the dragon is temporarily confused and instead banks around to hover above the elf. When the dragon finally recovers his senses enough he tries again, only to have Osirian teleport Aelar out of harms way and into the trees with the others.

Amael, unable to find the group hidden within their concealment. paces back and forth and declares to the group that the people of the city will suffer for the group's insolence.  With that said, he takes off and flies back towards the city, perching atop the gates.

When all is clear, the group decides to move on into the forest, to find the giants and the obsidian dagger.

The Widow's Web
2,400 XP

Osirian convinces 'soldier dude' to use his amazing stealth and tracking skills to find where the giants are.  Soldier dude is excited to be granted such a privilege and quickly takes charge.  Moving very unstealthily from tiny tree to tiny tree soldier dude moves through the forest, with the group far far behind.  The forest is thick with no trails until the come to an area that seems to have larger paths cut through.  The group is barely able to see soldier dude turning a corner in the path and out of sight when they hear his screams quickly cut short.

Fluffy notices thin translucent strands hanging from trees and across the path which get thicker as path progresses towards where the soldier was.  It is barely visible but once Fluffy alerts the others they too can now see it.  Zaya picks up a good size rock and throws it with amazing accuracy towards where the soldier turned on the path.  The rock lands with a muffled thud.  It does not bounce.  It does not roll.  Just sticks.

The group decides to avoid that area.

Trap averted.

MetaGame Spoiler Inside

The Watchers In The Trees
2,800 XP

Unfortunately for the group, avoiding the trap is a short lived victory.  Out of the darkened woods 4 enchanted daggers fly towards the group stabbing Zaya and Aelar. The daggers seem somewhat sentient and even while buried in the bodies of their victims, try to push and hold the two elves. Meanwhile, three large spiders attack spitting venom and biting. Then while being occupied with those enemies, two trees along the path come to life and attack using lashing vines to ensnare and crush its victims.

Osirian is quickly grabbed and spends most of this encounter trapped in vines and trying not to be pushed into the trees gaping maw.

Alear, at one point, sees an approaching Flying Dagger and turns it into a ring which he grabs and then slides onto his finger.

Fluffy uses his spirit companion, Princess to great effect while healing the others and coming to the aid of Aelar who dropped into unconsciousness after a spider attack.

Zaya is able to repeatedly do huge damage both with arrow and sword.  While 'Boy's recently upgraded Magic Missile whittles down the enemies.

Finally, the enemies are defeated and the area is left with smoking and burning trees and dead spiders littering the path.

On towards the giants.

Dum. Dum. Duuuummmmmm.

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