Thursday 13 July 2017

Jabir's Revenge

The Order is receiving more frequent reports of troll sightings at various places around the city walls of Baldur's Gate. Guards stationed at the gates have witnessed trolls at just past dusk, late at night or very early morning, running from the nearby forests and battering the walls and gates of the city. There has been a couple of reports of people being taken from the walls and killed by the trolls.

The trolls now seem to bear some sort of sigil painted on themselves in yellow and green paint.
(A stylized and dyslexic "J" along with a circle with a dot in the middle).
Some soldiers have reported that the trolls have now taken to yelling a war cry upon attacking. One soldier reports the war cry as "Jay bird" while another argues that it was "Jawbone".
Neither makes sense.

The Order deems this problem to be a priority.

The Retirement Of Araxie

The next morning they head out to the docks of the city to board the Flying Dragon, which they will take to the mountains to the east, where previous members of the Order reported dealings with trolls, as well as the traitorous faction of the Order well over a year ago.

At the docks, they find the Order's airship, the Flying Dragon, manned by only a skeleton crew. They are told that since Captain Araxie last set down, she has been off at one of the taverns. The crew waited awhile but when she didn't return to set sail for further excursions, to pirate the skies, most of her crew followed her lead and left to frequent the many taverns in the city.

The group orders that what crew is here go into the city, find and recall all of the crew. They set sail tomorrow on an important mission. Maddox and Smallfang know where Captain Araxie is. They head off to the Whet Stone.

At the whorehouse, the Whet Stone they see the waitress, Annabelle Brightknocker, and ask her if they've seen Araxie. Annabelle hurriedly gestures to the back of the tavern under the stairs and says, "where she always is."

In the back, they find the Araxie sitting at a table covered in empty glasses. She looks up at them with absolutely no recognition.

Maddox and Smallfang introduce themselves to their old friend Araxie. They are needing her to aid them in a mission. Araxie scoffs. They agree to pay her. She pauses and then adds the cost of her bar tab. They agree. She doubles it. They, again, agree.

The three of them leave the Whet Stone and head off towards the Order's keep.  Back at the keep, they assemble as many clerics, mages and wizards as they can. After much experimentation and examination, it is concluded that the magic affecting Araxie is a arcanic blood oath. The only way to remove it is to have the caster reverse the curse. They all turn to each other and inquire but no one knows the caster.

They then decide to make Araxie as comfortable as possible. She has served the Order well. She has easily earned them the most revenue during the past year and has made the Order flush again bringing them back from the brink of financial collapse. They set her in a comfortable (well...padded really) room and give her drink to appease her temper. And there they leave her.

They return to the ship the next day hoping the crew has returned.

The Flying Dragon Takes To The Skies Once More

Back at the ship, the deck is bustling with activity as the crew, now almost fully assembled, is readying the ship for departure. Phillipe, the first mate, directs the party to the captain's quarters. When they enter the large and well furnished quarters. There at the large desk is Captain MacKenzie, feet upon the desk. He welcomes them in with a smug look on his face.

He tells them that he would be glad to captain their ship and let bygones be bygones, for a price. The group tells him that they would rather make Phillipe captain. MacKenzie tells them that Phillipe is a good sailor but not captain material yet. The group relents but Maddox forces MacKenzie to take the Oath of the Order Of The Obsidian Dagger. Thus preventing him from doing anything that would harm the others. He eagerly agrees and begins the oath. Deshanie catches him crossing his fingers behind his back and makes him begin again.

Once the preparations have been made, the ship is unmoored and  takes to the sky. Captain MacKenzie is having obvious troubles keeping his tongue and action on the lawful good side. He stutters and halts his speech with great effort as he tries not to give in to his baser instincts. They travel swiftly towards the mountains east of the city. They travel until nightfall and must, for safety, reduce their speed. The next morning, they begin their search through the many mountainous passes, looking for the distinctive chain bridge they were told about.

Around midday, a lookout calls out that he has spotted a bridge. They slow and lower the ship until they see a small stone bridge. This is not the bridge they had heard about from the others. Captain MacKenzie begins a rant which he has to quickly curtail. In frustration, he spins the ships wheel recklessly. All aboard scramble to hold on. Some of the party barely move as if they're feet are glued to the deck, others like Lirath Mindlasher, the newly arrived high elf,  are not so surefooted. Lirath tumbles towards to rails, then over top of the rails, and fails to grab hold of anything.

Falling over 60 feet to the snow covered mountainside below, Lirath casts a spell and which turns him into a spectral form hoping to minimize the damage from the fall. Everyone on board watches as the spectral form of the Lirath hits the ground below in a plume of snow. He slowly raises his arm and then slowly raises his thumb into the air. He still lives.

The crew is scrambled to throw ropes over and descend to rescue Lirath. Captain MacKenzie is the first over the rails and begins to descend the rope, perhaps out of guilt. Lirath is alive and well enough to see MacKenzie, the reason for her fall, and she casts a spell. MacKenzie becomes paralyzed and plummets silently down into the chasm, hundreds of feet down. They all watch as his immobile body descends the depths until the snowy air obscures his certain death.

As they pull Lirath back aboard the airship, Lirath apologizes. He meant only to teach Captain MacKenzie a lesson in humility. Didn't realize the airship was over a deep gorge. Who knew?

A New Captain

Now they debate as to who will captain the ship. The Order members to do not have enough experience and they soon come to the conclusion that Phillipe will be captain. He nervously accepts. As he shout orders to the crew he is constantly checking with the Order members as to what he should do, where he should head. He immediately seems very indecisive. (this is what MacKenzie meant about not captain material)

They approach what they think are the ruins they are looking for. Through the blowing snow the ruins of a great castle appears. It is carved into the side of the mountain. It is connected to the opposite side of a deep gorge by a massive chain. The links themselves are about ten feet long and at least five feet wide. Boards have been placed along it's length to aid in crossing but they have long since begun to rot.

As they try to investigate from aboard the ship, multiple spells are shot across the ship. The ship is maneuvered and all the cannons facing the mountain are fired. The entrance to the ancient ruins is completely destroyed. Whatever was in there will have to find another way out.
Phillipe says he will set down as far as he can away from the ruins and drop off the party.
The group is worried he will take off on them so they cast spells on him to track him.

Back To Castle IceThorn
7,300 XP

They look across the massive chain bridge and begin to cross. The howling winds and blowing snow make crossing treacherous. As they approach the far end, more spells are shot towards the group. Lirath is hit once more. This time he is caught within the grasp of a telekenesis spell and tossed off the bridge. He again plummets down into the massive chasm below. Barely surviving the fall, he lies injured and out of sight of the others.

Healing himself with, surprisingly unbroken, potions of healing, he struggles to his feet and looks up from the bottom of the gorge. It's a long way back up. Better get to it. He starts to climb.

Meanwhile, still on the chain bridge, the others try and make it to the other side but rays of spell attacks try and grab and freeze the group. Katya makes it across the fastest and encounters a two headed troll. He is war painted with a dyslexic J and a circle with a central dot in the middle. The troll grunts as he attacks without question and is soon joined by two other two-headed trolls.

The spell attacks continue but now as the creatures get closer they can be seen through the blowing snow. They are small spherical creatures that fly through the air. They have small eye stalks from which the spells emanate. The battle continues as the trolls take massive amounts of damage and continue to attack. Smallfang's magical blade soon aids Maddox in taking down the trolls. While Katya leaps up to grab the small flying creatures and tears them apart with her claws.

As the battle nears its conclusion, Lirath finally emerges at the edge of the cliff, having climbed up the precarious gorge from 200 feet below. As he climbs and stands up, she stands face to face with one of the flying spell casting creatures. Just as it is about to cast the spell to push Lirath back down into the gorge, to what must be certain death, Lirath is able to attack t.he creature and kill it.

DM Note: You're lucky Lirath, that you convinced the universe to allow you an action, otherwise you'd have a record fast death

When all the enemies have been slain, the group stands among the ancient frozen battle ground and wonders what to do. The main entrance to the mountainside castle has been obliterated by the cannon fire from their ship.

There must be another way in.

Friday 7 July 2017

Of Sewers And Disease

The Continuation Of Wonder Ale
1,000 XP

Back in Baldur's Gate, the populace has grown impatient with the Order. Tales of corruption and abuse of power have diminished little since the Order's departure to battle the tarrasque. So the Order holds a community forum. The assemble all who are interested to discuss the future of Wonder Ale. After rousing speeches from the Order and rebuttals from community members it is decided to allow stakeholders, such as tavern, inn and restaurant owners a chance to inspect the Wonder Ale facilities.

The next day Order members lead the assembled group into the sewers. With worried looks from the newcomers they finally come to the sewer chamber where they witness a massive group of goblins pissing into the sewers collecting it and transforming into the base for Wonder Ale.

They are immediately taken aback.
They discuss.
They decide as long as the money continues to flow....they're ok with this.

 A Newly Forming City

After the battle with the tarrasuq, H is installed as marshall and a few of the tarrasque heroes stay behind to aid him in keeping law and order in the town which has just discovered a new resource, the endless meat from the tarrasuqe. H and the others swear that no criminal element will thrive under t
heir watch.

The others return to Baldur's Gate. They use the permanent portal that links them with the plane of Netir Vale, the original home of the Order Of The Obisidian Dagger. Back in the Netir Vale, in the city of Diapthora, below the Order's keep is the Vault. A seemingly endless warehouse of vaults protected by massive arcane locks and glyphs of warding. They walk down long marbled corridors, lined with vault after vault, until they arrive at a vault number 1138. After unlocking the series of locks and glyphs they place the tarrasque's pituitary gland and the book that has been fought over for so long, within. The vault is locked and the group returns to Baldur's Gate.

Maddox sets to fixing and growing the Order in Baldur's Gate. All members are now sworn in with the Order's oath immediately, to avoid corruption. The Order begins demanding more taxes from the populace and they begin actively recruiting new members.

One Year Later
DM Note: also known as a bag full of adventure hooks

Absinthe has set up her "mansion" behind the doorway to a local tavern. As patrons enter what they think is their local tavern, they are portaled to Absinthe's Mordenkainen’s Magnificent Mansion. There they enjoy a supremely luxurious mansion and it's accouterments. There is entertainment by Absinthe herself and business has begun to bloom.  The tavern owner of the original tavern, whose door is now a portal to Absitnthe's, constantly wonders why no one comes in anymore. She does  a thriving business....and sells no wonder ale.

Araxie has set off to sail the clouds and look for treasure. She eventually gains a reputation for being a very efficient pirate, earning the Order much money. Each time she returns to Baldur's Gate with treasure hoards people notice she is becoming very forgetful.

Baldur's Gate has to have rumors of a cursed section of the city. Rumors of diseases and crumbling buildings have made it so that this quarter of the city is avoided by most of the populace. Stories of wells drying up and sewers no longer working have made it so that even the people living in the area are asking for help from the city. Maintenance workers have been dispatched to fix the problems but they did not return. Two Order soldiers were then sent to investigate but they have not yet reported back.

The guards from the city walls have been reporting troll sightings at an ever increasing frequency. They often come during the night but there have been a few incidents during the day and even one where a commoner was grabbed off the wall and killed. The trolls always retreat back into the forests before anyone can do anything..

Meanwhile in the now rapidly expanding city of Salt In The Wounds, H, the marshal of the city, has been sending back reports to The Order in Baldur's Gate. He tells of religious factions growing in response to the tarrasque. There were the Enders who had vowed to destroy the tarrasque but that was creating a riot between the Enders and the rest of the city. The economic machine that has been built around the tarraque will not be so simply ended. There is the Circle of Release who worship the tarrasque as a god. They see it as a source of immortality.

Then there is also the Church Of The Monad who are a collection of alchemists, arcanists and academics who study the properties of the tarrasque's flesh. They have recently come up with a way to create a flesh golem made from the flesh and meat of the tarrasque and which has now become a thriving and growing slave industry.

Then there is the odd way that some of the marrow miners are treated. Those that seem resistant to the mutating effects of the tarrasque are quickly recruited into a semi-religious semi-military order called the God Butchers. They have taken it on themselves to protect and ward the tarrasque against all others. Access to the tarrasque is closely watched and guarded at all times by these white robe wearing knights. They speak little and kill those who they deem a threat.

DM Note: Speaking of mutating effects, it would seem that H has acquired the ability of blindsight. He also has acquired a growth that randomly appears on various spots on his body which periodically has to be removed by the local surgeons.

Descent Into The Sewers

The Order decides the local matter of the infectious area of the city and the sewer blockages are a priority. H has a handle on the new city and the trolls seem to be doing minimal damage at the moment.

They enter the section of the lower city that the main populace has come to avoid. The streets are abandoned and deserted. The streets collect windswept garbage as this area has become no longer maintained. Shops are closed and there is no movement, except the vines which wrap around most building blowing in the wind.

They enter the sewers via a large street drain and descend into darkness. Casting light on Guy's staff for those unfortunate enough not to have darkvision, they move through the sewer tunnels. The moving is slow though due to the massive growth of vines which almost entirely block the tunnels in one direction. They use spells, weapons and claws to hack their way through the vines.

Guy and Katya both become covered in multiple scrapes and have to pull thorns out of their flesh before long. Guy is a little worried about what weird diseases or poisons these vines hold but it is of little concern to Katya, who never has to worry about such things.

DM Note A: Please note....multiple scrapes with multiple con saving rolls

The sewer river now only flows as a slight trickle along the murky and muddy channel. The soft bottom clings to their feet as they try to walk. As they move through the sewers they encounter several emaciated and filth covered corpses entangled and hidden within the vines. Judging by their clothing they surmise that these must be the missing sewer workers as well as a couple of Order members.

Finally, they make their way far enough to find the Wonder Ale production facility once more. There are just a handful of goblins who are lazily producing a small batch of their ale. The demand for the drink now since dwindled due to Absinthe's new tavern and her ban of Wonder Ale.

The Clan's New Matriarch

They ask one of the goblins for Gug, the matriarch of the clan, only to find she has recently died. But they are told that a "pretty lady" has come to be their mother now and she takes care of them. The group then looks down the large sewer chamber to see a black robed figure of a woman with a beautiful face and long soft hair. Indeed she is a "pretty lady", in fact Guy thinks that she is perhaps the most beautiful woman he has ever seen.

This woman is talking to Kof Megkag, the Order's representative, who is supposed to be responsible for overseeing the production of Wonder Ale and making sure the Order receives their due profit. She seems surprised at the groups arrival.

During the continued conversation with some of the goblins, it is learned that after Gug's demise, some of the other goblins, notably Gothmork and Peegz, set off to start their own ale business in a a new thriving town, which features a captured tarrasque as it's attraction. They hope their brothers are doing fine. They should be Peegz is very smart...he wears glasses.

DM Note: He actually wears branches formed into the shape of glasses with no lenses....but yes....they make him smart.
DM Note: they no longer use goblin piss as a base but based it on worms growing in the rotting
tarrasque meat

As they question the beautiful woman, and find she has taken charge of the clan. She is draped in a long cape with large sleeves.
Guy hits on her and soon convinces her to have sex with him. They move to another room in the sewer (eww) and after a longish while they both return. The woman no longer completely covered by her robe...exposing the body of a multi-legged cockroach while still having a beautiful human head. She holds on to Guy lovingly.

Absinth uses Geas to befriend the woman/cockroach. She tells them her name is Teratashia. She has been using Kof Megkag, the druid from the Order, to help her restore the city back to nature. The world needs less of stone and man and more flora and insects.

Hearing their conversation....the druid, Kof, uses this distraction to leave the area.

Slimy Sewer Zombies
19,200 XP

The group learns that the vine infestation and diseases are related to the activities of both Teratashia and Kof Megkag. As the group discusses possible actions, with Teratshia being very forthcoming and helpful, Kof returns and summons several slime covered zombies that emerge from within the vines. The zombies attack as well as Kof Megkag.

There is little room to maneuver in the sewers. The zombies are tough.
Absinth throws pillars of the earth to pin several zombies against the ceiling of the sewer
Guy is protected by Teratashia who throws herself in front of her lover to shield him from the attacks.
Katya is grabbed by zombies and repeatedly pummeled.
Deshanie tries to battle the zombies but soon is dropped unconscious into the slimy floor of the sewer. Absinth briefly debates whether or not to come to Deshanie's aid....but Deshanie had been rude to no.
Asbsynth attempts to save herself from attacks by going invisible.
As the tide of the battle turns finally to the adventurers, Kof Megkag takes a fast retreat into the depths of the sewers. Absinthe orders her new "friend" to pursue and capture the druid. Teratashia runs off in pursuit while the others clean up the remaining zombies.
Long fought battle finally done.

Teratashia returns and tells the group that the druid lost her in the sewer tunnels. Absinthe chastises her and tells her to continue the pursuit until she finds Kof and brings her back to the group. Teratashia runs off, again, in a vain attempt to find Kof.

The others return to the Order's keep. Covered in filth and battle worn, they clean up and rest.

The Return To The Sewer

The next day, Guy finds himself feeling unrested and ill. He begs off the mission to continue to investigate the sewers and a different crew sets off towards the sewers.

They enter the infected area of the city.  Maddox uses blight to try and kill off the vines which now cover the houses and streets but it only seems to affect a small portion of the vine. They need to find it's main root.

They find a well clogged and shut from a mass of vines.  They use moonbeam to blast open an area to descend down and lower themselves down awkwardly

Maddox covered in plate mail catches himself on the many vines covering blocking the well. He tries to free himself and ends up plunging down the well into the water 60 feet below. He feels relief as he realizes that between the water and his armor the fall was not that bad.....then he starts to sink under the weight of his armor. As he continues to descend into deeper and darker water...he reaches into his backpack and grabs the only thing he can think of....the origami gift the old wizard, Armaka Amun-Ra, had given him for helping free the wizard.

With darkness quickly enveloping him, he unfolds the paper until it begins to unfold itself. It soon takes the shape of a large round ball with several arms surrounding it. A huge eye in the middle of the body blinks open and stares at Maddox. He gestures up, and the creature begins to ascend. Maddox quickly grabs onto one of the many eye stalks and travels up and out of the water with the origami beholder.

As Maddox is set down on a safe ledge within the well, he and the others stare at the unusual sight of a paper beholder, now covered in sewer filth and falling apart from the soaking it has taken. Sad that he never got to use his magical gift but glad it at least was able to save his life....Maddox and the group continue on.

An ArchDruid's Twisted Mission
10,650 XP

Katya shows Maddox and Smallfang where she and the others had last seen Kof Megkag. They discover Kof within a large room in the sewer system. She is in the midst of performing a ritual over a large pool of water which glows with orange energy. A huge vine root pulses with energy and
growth as Kof pushes the magic she is working into the plant.

She is guarded by several of the zombies they had encountered earlier except for a larger zombie who stands much taller and has a huge belly which stands near Kof protecting her. The group moves as quietly as they can nearing the druid while Smallfang summons a large octopus which grabs a zombie and immobilizes it.

Maddox rushes out in the open and casts banish upon the druid and she is sucked down a portal into a flaming and smoking plane. While he is holding his concentration holding the banishment the group makes easy work of the remaining zombies. When that is done, they assemble back where the druid was banished and prepare for her return.

Maddox releases the banishment spell and Kof returns. She returns smoking and covered in small burns and bits of her hair are on fire. She doesn't suffer long as the group cuts her down before she even has a chance to realize that she has returned to the plane she was trying to return to nature.

Maddox casts blight again but this time on the large root which, now that the magical pool is no longer pulsing with magical energy, is no longer growing. The root turns grey and begins to shrivel and desiccate. The crackling sound of the plant drying and cracking spreads throughout the room and travels down the sewer tunnels as the vines begin to shrivel and die.

The group decides to return to the surface. As they move through the tunnels they witness the vines die and shrink and they hear the sound of rushing water as the vines no longer hold back the massive amount of sewer water which previously was blocked from flowing. They hurry as they hear the sound of water approaching. Katya is able to climb quickly with no difficulty while Smallfang simply misty steps out of the sewer. Maddox on the other hand is left to climb out using a rope and he has trouble as the water comes rushing into the well and begins to threaten to wash Maddox away until the other two help pull him out.

Laying dripping filth upon the cobblestones of the street, the group sees a figure shambling towards them making an odd noise. They draw their weapons. Another zombie? As the figure gets closer they put their weapons away as they see it is a frail man who is clearly sick. Maddox uses lay on hands and the man is able to speak. He feels better thank you but his family is dying. He directs them to a small house and a bed upon which a frail young boy lies.

Mass Curing
4,000 XP

As they pull the covers off of the boy, they see his body is slightly translucent. Some of his organs are just visible through his skin. His skin is also covered in a thick clear slime. They together cast healing spells and realize that he has been infected with more than one disease.

As they finally leave the house, with the family fully healed, they are surrounded by other citizens of this area who are all presenting themselves and loved ones to be healed. The adventurers do not have enough healing between them to heal everyone here, especially since they have learned that many people are infected with multiple diseases.

Multiple diseases. Something twigs Smallfangs memory. This is important. Oh well....carrying on they heal as many as they can promising to return. They order guards at all entrance/exit points of this district with strict quarantine instructions. They will get a handle on this before it gets worse.

They return to the Order's keep. They find several of the Order in a panic as they have not been able to rouse Guy. They have knocked on the door to his quarters with no answer. They know he was sick but none dared entered without having the authority. Maddox has no problem with this as he strides to Guy's quarters and knocks. No answer. He walks in.

A Smily Demise

DM Note: Please see DM Note A....again. Since Guy only was cured of ONE disease state

The room is dark with it's curtains drawn and it smells like a sick room. Close and sickly warm. He moves to open the curtains letting the sun in. He sees the form of Guy under the covers making labored breathing sounds. He pulls the covers back and sees nothing familiar.

It is a large blob of jelly. Small flecks of skin and organs remain within the blob but the body of Guy has been almost entirely turned into a slime creature. A pseudopod darts out of the creature and smacks Maddox upon the armor with a sizzling of acid.

Maddox and Smallfang slash and pummel the creature until it is dead. Not a glorious end to the brave and glorious Guy.

DM Note: safe's more important than you can imagine!

Battle Of The Tarrasque

The Book Finally Read
2,000 XP

When Absinthe finally recovers enough for her to recount to the others her harrowing experience of reading the vile book that has been fought over for so long, she tells the group of what she's learned.

The book it would seem, is The Book Of The Tarrasuqe, obviously enough. She says that it is a demonic book which tells of rituals that can be performed to summon the World Ender, the tarrasque from the Chaotic Plane to this plane. The book also tells of how to stop the demons from completing the ritual.

This is why the various devils have been trying to acquire the book. Some devils even tried to tell the group that they are working towards the same end. That was, preventing the summoning of the tarrasque to this plane.

Sadly, the the group was able to defeat the devils trying to get the book and as such have failed to stop the summoning of the tarrasque.

The group sits on the deck of Araxie's ship, the cool night air around them and the stars bright in the sky. One of them notices a bright spot in the sky. Soon enough everyone is looking skyward as the bright spot turns into a bright streak. Soon the night sky is lit as in dawn with the bright spot travelling across the sky like a meteor. They watch as it crashes beyond the mountains with a large flare.

Following the Falling Star

Araxie heads her ship in pursuit and the next day they soon are able to follow the massive trench created by the falling star. They follow it until they arrive at a huge crater a mile across near a small poor farming town. In the center, there is a rock-like sphere 60 feet across.

The object still glows from the heat it still retains.

As they watch the object, Araxie positions her ship nearby but only within cannon range.

Soon, the object begins to crack and open. As the sphere opens up, it unfolds to expose a massive creature. The Tarrasque.

The battle is fought long and hard but ultimately, the group concedes that perhaps they need either a different strategy or simply more soldiers. The tarrasque seems to reflect battle spells and is able to regenerate the damage done by the group more quickly than they can inflict it.

They return to Baldur's Gate to gather more experienced members in order to defeat this creature. If left to rampage it would certainly eventually destroy the entire world they live in.

The Battle Of The Tarrasque

The Order is able to assemble fifteen of the greatest heroes from around the immediate vicinity of Baldur's Gate.

Maddox, H, Absinthe
Araxie (and her crew aboard the Flying Dragon), Catya, Bertha
Vall, Smallfang, Guy
Deshanie, Criella, Thorin (the ugliest dwarf you've ever seen)
Ely Miss (a rare member of the mousefolk), Cortella and Liam.


Ely Miss uses her arcane skills to clone herself in order to aid the battle.
The tarrasque charges often. Surging forward at great speed and tramples Maddox and Criella.
Absinthe is able to grab Maddox and teleport up to Araxie's ship in order to help him.

But the ship is no haven from the tarrasque. It looks to have been previously held with arcanic shackles which is must have broken, for the shackles, along with some remnants of chain, dangle from it's massive feet. It has learned to use them to throw lightning attacks, which is does to great damage to The Flying Dragon.

The lightning attack kills many on board including the cleric, Amelia Dustglacier. She was in charge of maintaining the air elemental which powers the ship. The air elemental which is housed in a large clear crystal in the ship's hold. This crystal has now been badly cracked. The air elemental escapes and attacks...angry that it has been tortured and used to power a device of humanoid making.

The airship begins to list badly. Crew scramble to hold on.

They are able to battle the air elemental back into the crystal and Cortella is able mend the crystal enough to keep the air elemental at bay and Araxie is able to right the ship.

The tarrasque is finally brought down thanks to a combination of magical preventing the tarrasque from regenerating the damage done to it as well as just massively damaging the creature from all involved, including the massive destructive power of Araxie's cannons, forged by H. This has to happen a couple of times as they realize that even if the creature is killed, given enough time it will come back to attack.

They dig through the tarrasque looking for an organ responsible for it's regenerative abilities. Soon they arrive near the brain and as they cut out what looks to be a pituitary gland, the beast now longer seems to regain consciousness. It is finally subdued.

DM Note: Scew XP.....LEVEL UP!

The Aftermath

The townsfolk from nearby eventually approach the group and all find that the tarrasque, with it's regenerative properties still intact, but unable to regain consciousness, they can now harvest in infinite amount of food and resources from the creature. Magic reflecting scales, bones and meat are mined off of the creature and the town's industry is renewed with vigor.

This worries the Order and H volunteers to stay behind to keep law and order. 

Hopefully, he is enough.

DM Note: Sorry guys, didn't know the tarrasque battle was going to take two full nights.

DM Note: To my D&D group....sorry about the delay in getting the notes down....lack of internet sucks!