Saturday 30 June 2018

That's One Way To Get On The Ship

The group heads back to motel to heal and discuss next plan of action, while Victois continues on his quest to obtain neurotoxin grenades, with little success

They soon decide the next course of action should be to try and get on to a Visitor ship. They have learned that tickets are sold for tours on the ships. They are expensive and hard to get a hold of so they decide to check other less reputable venues.

Not All Craigslist Items Are Scams...

They go on Craigslist and find VIP tickets. The usual price is $1000 each but they find a listing for $500 each. Kyoko contacts the seller and after talking to the young girl, the seller tells her he is willing to meet her at her hotel room.

Kyoko tells them of the deal and  they decide they will purchase 4 tickets and later choose which four will go on the tour.

Soon the seller arrives. Tony pulls up in a old 1978 black Trans Am. He wears a beaten leather jacket and his hair and skin glisten with a sheen of oil. He does not look reputable. When he comes to the room and sees Kyoko, he tries to convince her that for a cut on the price she could come for a ride with him.

The rest of the group then shows themselves.

They threaten him until he offers a bundle of VIP tickets. And his jacket. And his car!
But they kill him anyway.
After taking the tickets, car keys and phone, they secure the body in an unoccupied room and leave for their Visitor tour

Spoiler Inside

Now they have plenty of tickets. So they decide they will all go on the VIP tour.

...But Most Are Scams

They travel to the shuttle location in Las Vegas. High security surrounds the area. Tons of people dressed up in Visitor garb. Children in the Visitor Youth are excitedly parading and cheering people who get to go on the shuttles.

The group, in their large black SUV line up behind other cars as they go through a security checkpoint. A couple of cars ahead, the car is asked to drive off to a separate area as the security inspect it as well as its occupants. Finally they come to the checkpoint officer and they present their tickets.

The armed security officer scans the ticket and then goes to confer with other officers. After some discussion they are let through.

As they drive, weaving through concrete barriers, Victois notices that two large military vehicles have driven up behind them. Alexi puts this up to a security escort for their VIP status. When they finally arrive at a large open square surrounded by tall downtown buildings, they see a large Visitor shuttle sitting in the middle of the large grassy courtyard.

The Visitor Shuttle

As they pass through the throngs of people waiting their turn on the shuttle, the group is escorted to the front of the line and proceeds to pass into the courtyard which has high concrete walls surrounding it. Inside they see fully the Visitor shuttle but their sightseeing is cut short when dozens of armed guards point their weapons at them and yell at them to kneel on the ground with their hands up.

They protest, trying to keep up their VIP status deception but one of the guards tells them that their tickets are clearly forgeries. Cheap forgeries at that. Missing almost all of the security features. He tells them that they will never see the inside of the Visitor's ship.

But a Visitor guard approaches them and tells them that the Visitor's will take the group and deal with them. The guards allow the group to be taken into the shuttle and are handcuffed to their seats in the large cargo hold of the shuttle.

The shuttle soon takes off and Alexi soon is trying to convince the heavily armed Visitor guard that their is a big misunderstanding. But the guard opens up a binder and flips to a specific page. He then begins to read off all about Alexi Volkov's background and personal details. The group looks around at each other in mild surprise. The Visitor's seem to know who they are.

Spoiler Inside

The O'l "Faking A Seizure"

Alexi decides to pull the ol' "having a seizure" maneuver. But it works. The guard is convinced and Alessandra screams that Alexi is going to die if they don't do something. She convinces the guard to release her. But once released she claims she doesn't know what to do. She asks that some of the others need to be released to help. Finally, under too much stress, the guard relinquishes the wire cutters to Alessandra and she cuts the plastic ties cuffing everyone to their seats.

With everyone free, Alessandra charges and tackles the guard. Alexi stops his fake seizure and runs for the pile of their equipment, digging through until the finds what he is looking for, alcohol. A fight ensues and the guard's gun is taken but the noise has alerted the other guard who opens a door, quickly typing in the unlock code, and takes cover down a corridor, shutting the door behind him. The remaining guard is then overpowered and forced to open the door leading out of the cargo bay. The security pad is an odd shaped pad with green-lit keys in irregular scale shapes. Kyoko takes mental note of the code.

On the other side of the door is another guard who lobs a grenade into the cargo bay and when it goes off the cargo bay fills with a deadly neurotoxin gas. Most are hurt but no one more than Victois. She falls unconscious in the gas filled room.

Kyoko, Alexi and Alessandra charge down the corridor and together are able to defeat the guard.
They drag the unconscious body of Victois out of the cargo bay, and the now dissipating neruotoxin gas and Kyoko

If It Has Controls I Can Fly It

Finally, they approach the final door to what they believe to be the cockpit. When each of them are ready, Kyoko opens the door with the memorized code and they fire quickly and deadly. The pilot is now dead, his green colored blood splattered over the console of the ship.

Kyoko runs to the pilot's body and hauls it out of the pilot's chair. She seats herself down and grabs the controls.

They now have a Visitor space shuttle.

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